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Confirmation gives us a fuller and deeper gift of the Holy Spirit.  It is a spiritual “software update” of sorts, enhancing the gift of the Holy Spirit given to us in Baptism and gives us more spiritual resources to live our adult lives in a holy and healthy way.  Confirmation is conferred by the bishop to his people between the ages of 7 and 16.  In the Diocese of Erie, Confirmation is celebrated during the 9th grade and requires a special Sacramental Preparation Process

Sacramental Preparation Process:

  • Saint Michael Confirmation Classes are scheduled through the Parish Religious Education Office.
  • The Diocese of Erie requires participation in a Confirmation themed retreat.
  • During the Preparation Process, the Confirmation Team will assist each young adult in making a good choice of a “Confirmation Sponsor” who will walk with them in their growth in the Catholic faith. Requirements for a Confirmation Sponsor are listed below.

Confirmation is the Sacrament in which baptized persons receive a special grace which strengthens them for the profession of the Christian faith.  In the Latin Rite, Confirmation is conferred primarily by a bishop, who lays hands upon each person, making the sign of the cross on their forehead with Sacred Chrism saying:  “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

Requirements of a Confirmation Sponsor:

  • The Sponsor must be a fully initiated member of the Catholic Church who has received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation.
  • The Sponsor cannot be the mother or father of the one to be confirmed.
  • The Sponsor must be at least sixteen years of age.
  • The Sponsor must be a practicing Catholic, who is registered in a parish, attends Mass and receives the Sacraments on a regular basis.
  • If married, the Sponsor must have followed the laws of the Catholic Church in regards to marriage.

There is to be one Sponsor for the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Please call the parish office at (724) 588-9800  to learn more.