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Caring Correspondence:
We send cards and notes throughout the year to parishioners who need to know someone cares. Children and adults make the cards or they are purchased. If you, or your small group, would like to write some cards, contact:
Catholic Charities
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) to Nursing and Residence Facilities
EMHC Ministers take the Eucharist to our parishioners who reside at local facilities.
To volunteer call:
Greystone Country Estates: Susan Friedman 724-475-4042
St. Paul’s Sr. Living Comm.: Annette Strosser 724-588-6436
The Grove at Greenville: Marty Aubel 724-866-7432
Greystone Ministry Schedule
Eucharist: Fridays / Susan Friedman
1st Friday calls
St. Paul’s Ministry Schedule
Eucharist: Wednesday: Heritage, Ridgewood, & Villas: Walter Beh
Thursdays: Villas: Rotating Schedule
Mass: 1st Wednesday
Rosary: Tuesday 10:30am- Jones Serenity Circle & Lane
Thursday 10:30am- Villas
Good Shepherd Center:
Many of our parishioners volunteer at the Center. This is a very warm and loving place. You can volunteer once a week, once a month, or as often as you can. There are many ways you could be of help: Food Pantry, Treasures, Clothing, sorting donations, helping with a meal, answering the phones and many other things that keep this Center running. To volunteer just stop in at the Office, which is located at the Food Pantry on Water street and ask to see Janet Smith or Marj Stubert or call 724-588-2210. The Center, which is separate from Food Pantry, is on the corner of Shenango and Water Street. Home Services:
Volunteers are needed to assist the elderly or homebound of the parish with small chores such as putting up storm windows, putting lawn furniture away, trimming shrubs, washing windows, installing air conditioners, replacing washers in leaky faucets, changing light bulbs, emergency house cleaning or laundry, and emergency food preparations, raking leaves in the fall, etc. Volunteers are called as needed.
The Food Pantry serves qualified families from five townships in Crawford County and Green Township in Mercer County, which includes Jamestown. The Pantry, housed in St. Margaret Church, is open on the first and third Friday of each month.
Ministry to the Military
Extend a warm welcome and give information to people new to our parish.
Project Linus Blanket:
Do you like to crochet, knit, sew? Project Linus ministry may be a good fit for you! Project Linus provides new, handmade, washable blankets to be given as gifts to seriously ill and traumatized children and children simply in need of a warm blanket, ages 0-18. We have regular events here at St. Michael's called Make-A-Blanket Days. If you sew, please bring along your sewing machine. Don't know how to sew or knit? No problem! You can help us make some fleece tie blankets or color quilt squares instead. All blankets made and donated at our events go to children in Mercer County. In 2019, our Blanketeers made and donated 720 blankets to children in need. You can also work on blankets at home. It is Project Linus' policy to accept homemade blankets of all sizes and styles in child-friendly colors. The blankets must be washable, free of pins, and come from smoke-free environments due to allergy reasons. Finished blankets as well as materials that can be used to make blankets can be donated. Linda Hajtol is our Mercer County Project Linus Coordinator.
Visitation to Homebound
We send cards and notes throughout the year to parishioners who need to know someone cares. Children and adults make the cards or they are purchased. If you, or your small group, would like to write some cards, contact:
Sharen Seiple 724-815-5361
Catholic Charities
Local Office: 995 Linden St., Sharon, PA 16146
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) to Nursing and Residence Facilities
EMHC Ministers take the Eucharist to our parishioners who reside at local facilities.
To volunteer call:
Greystone Country Estates: Susan Friedman 724-475-4042
St. Paul’s Sr. Living Comm.: Annette Strosser 724-588-6436
The Grove at Greenville: Marty Aubel 724-866-7432
Greystone Ministry Schedule
Eucharist: Fridays / Susan Friedman
1st Friday calls
St. Paul’s Ministry Schedule
Eucharist: Wednesday: Heritage, Ridgewood, & Villas: Walter Beh
Thursdays: Villas: Rotating Schedule
Mass: 1st Wednesday
Rosary: Tuesday 10:30am- Jones Serenity Circle & Lane
Thursday 10:30am- Villas
The Grove Ministry Schedule (formerly Whitecliff)
Mass: 3rd Wednesday
Good Shepherd Center:
Many of our parishioners volunteer at the Center. This is a very warm and loving place. You can volunteer once a week, once a month, or as often as you can. There are many ways you could be of help: Food Pantry, Treasures, Clothing, sorting donations, helping with a meal, answering the phones and many other things that keep this Center running. To volunteer just stop in at the Office, which is located at the Food Pantry on Water street and ask to see Janet Smith or Marj Stubert or call 724-588-2210. The Center, which is separate from Food Pantry, is on the corner of Shenango and Water Street. Home Services:
Volunteers are needed to assist the elderly or homebound of the parish with small chores such as putting up storm windows, putting lawn furniture away, trimming shrubs, washing windows, installing air conditioners, replacing washers in leaky faucets, changing light bulbs, emergency house cleaning or laundry, and emergency food preparations, raking leaves in the fall, etc. Volunteers are called as needed.
Marty Aubel 724-866-7432
Marc Jones 724-699-9751
Jamestown Food PantryThe Food Pantry serves qualified families from five townships in Crawford County and Green Township in Mercer County, which includes Jamestown. The Pantry, housed in St. Margaret Church, is open on the first and third Friday of each month.
For information call the director Sharlene Caveeck at 724-927-2635.
Ministry to the Military
Ginny Richardson 724-588-4718
Extend a warm welcome and give information to people new to our parish.
Annette Strosser 724-588-6436
Project Linus Blanket:
Do you like to crochet, knit, sew? Project Linus ministry may be a good fit for you! Project Linus provides new, handmade, washable blankets to be given as gifts to seriously ill and traumatized children and children simply in need of a warm blanket, ages 0-18. We have regular events here at St. Michael's called Make-A-Blanket Days. If you sew, please bring along your sewing machine. Don't know how to sew or knit? No problem! You can help us make some fleece tie blankets or color quilt squares instead. All blankets made and donated at our events go to children in Mercer County. In 2019, our Blanketeers made and donated 720 blankets to children in need. You can also work on blankets at home. It is Project Linus' policy to accept homemade blankets of all sizes and styles in child-friendly colors. The blankets must be washable, free of pins, and come from smoke-free environments due to allergy reasons. Finished blankets as well as materials that can be used to make blankets can be donated. Linda Hajtol is our Mercer County Project Linus Coordinator.
Call her at 724-588-3289, for more details.
Visitation to Homebound
Cathy Lewis 724-588-3912